I’m Marvin von Hagen, and I’m currently studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of a one-year research stay sponsored by the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI). Previous experiences led me to the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM), Sciences Po Paris, and Tesla.
My most significant project so far has been cofounding the TUM Boring Team as Project Lead. Starting in July 2020, this endeavor transformed into an exciting journey, from recruiting 65 students to designing and constructing a 40-foot-long, 22-ton-heavy tunnel boring machine and ultimately winning Elon Musk’s Not-a-Boring Competition 2021 final in Las Vegas. Some impressions of this journey can be found here.
I’m passionate about leveraging technology to make the world a better place and enjoy sharing ideas at tech conferences and tinkering at hackathons around the world. You can find a list of selected interviews and talks here.
Feel free to reach out at hagen@mit.edu! You can also find my resume on LinkedIn, my software projects on GitHub, and my thoughts on Twitter.
Marvin :)
Marvin von Hagen